History Kits
History Labs
Field Trips
Scout Programs
Distance Learning



These lessons were created by Deerfield Teachers’ Center staff who worked with area teachers. The lessons meet Massachusetts History and Social Studies and English Language Arts frameworks and are designed to be taught by a teacher working from home or from an empty classroom. They are also appropriate for homeschoolers. There are plans to add more lessons, so please check back in periodically to see what’s new.

Each lesson has one or more PDF's for the lesson, as well as a PDF to be used as a slideshow. The PDF's are bundled together for each lesson in a Zip file for easier download (Click to download). They are also offered as individual downloads.

Click a link to take you to the Lesson:

Lessons for K-5

• Three Great Colonial Enslaved Women from Massachusetts Who Gained their Freedom
• What Made George Washington So Great?  A Lesson about Leadership
• Antonina’s World: Eastern European Immigration
• Made in America:  Colonial Imports, Exports, and Boycotts
• Seadogs of the Caribbean:  The European Explorers’ World on Maps
• Examining the 17th Century Raid on Peskeompskut in Western Massachusetts Through Two Sets of Eyes

Lessons for 7-12

• The County Election:  A History of Voting Rights in America
• "Geography is Destiny": Eastern European Immigration to the Connecticut River Valley in Massachusetts
• The Great Migration-How Art Reflects Life

Lessons for K-5

Lucy Terry Prince

George Washington
GW and the Cherry Tree

1877 Map

bostonians Paying the Excise Man
Jackson Store

Caribbean Map

County Election

Lessons for 7-12

County Election

Wysocki Onion

How Art Reflects Life

Nenwoment for the HumanitiesThis project has been made possible in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities: Democracy demands wisdom. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this Web resource do not necessarily represent those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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